BWAVE Inc. Participates in 2021 4th K-BIC STARDAY
Organizied by KHIDI(Korea Health Industry Development Institution), 2021 4th K-BIC starday has selected and presented BWAVE’s IR, AI-based EEG diagnosis software. IR Presented Companies MediFarmSoft Inc.: ‘Cardial’; AI-based ECG inspection, analyze and diagnosis of Cardial disease (arrhythmia) Bitnal Inc.: Deeplearning-based human teeth and prosthesis auto-modeling S/W BWAVE Inc.: AI-based EEG diagnosis software
BWAVE signed an MOU with Hanyang University
BWAVE & HANYANG UNIVERSITY #Develop digital technology talent #COSS #Mutual collaboration BWAVE and Hanyang Univ. opens the future of digital healthcare with university Convergence and Open Sharing System! We will make a better tommorow by developing innovative neuroscience healthcare experts together.